孙乐 副教授

一、 电子照片









2005.09-2008.06 英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院 医学生物化学专业学士

2008.09-2009.09英国克菲尔德大学 分子医学专业硕士

2011.09-2014.07 北京协和医学院 免疫学专业博士


2009.09-2010.06 英国剑桥文理学院坎特伯雷学院 技术员

2010.09-2011.06中国医学科学院医学生物学研究所 研究实习员

2014.09-2023.10 万象城·(中国)集团有限公司, 讲师

2023.11-至今 万象城·(中国)集团有限公司, 副教授


1. 云南省科技厅,云南省科技厅万象城·(中国)集团有限公司,应用基础研究联合专项, 202301AY070001-103,丰宫并殖吸虫ESPs在成虫肺部寄生过程中的潜在作用机制研究, 2023-06至20226-05, 10万元,项目负责人

2. 云南省科技厅,云南省科技厅—万象城·(中国)集团有限公司,应用基础研究联合专项资金青年博士项目, 2017FE467(- 125),利用CRISPR-Cas9技术对人巨细胞病毒非编码区域定点编辑策略的研究, 2017-07至2021-06, 8万元,项目负责人

3. 云南省教育厅,云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目, 2015Y179,使用CRISPR-Cas9技术对人巨细胞病毒一个miRNA敲除突变株的建立, 2015-10至2017-10, 1万元,项目负责人


1. Le Sun#; Min Zhu#; Lei Zhang#; Man Peng; Cuiying Li; Liming Wang; Weiqun Wang; Zhiqiang Ma; Shenghao Li; Weilin Zeng; Min Yin; Wenlin Wang; Weixun Chunyu; Differences in microbiome of healthy Sprague Dawley rats with Paragonimus proliferus infection and potential pathogenic role of microbes in paragonimiasis, Acta Tropica, 2022, 233(106578)

2. Bi Yanwei#;Sun Le#; Gao Dandan; Ding Chen; Li Zhihua; Li Yadong; Cun Wei; Li Qihan; High-efficiency targeted editing of large viral genomes by RNA-guided nucleases., PLoS Pathogens, 2014, 10(5): e1004090-e1004090

3. Sun Le#; Li Qihan; The miRNAs of herpes simplex virus (HSV)., Virol Sin, 2012, 27(6): 333-338

4. Yongzhong Duan#;Le Sun; Qihang Li; Herpes Simplex Virus 1 MicroRNAs: An Update, Intervirology, 2023, 66(1): 97-110

5. Yi Wu#; Lei Ran#; Yue Yang; Xianling Gao; Man Peng; Sida Liu;Le Sun; Jia Wan; Yu Yang; Min Yin; Weixun Chunyu; Deferasirox alleviates DSS-induced ulcerative colitis in inhibiting ferroptosis and improving intestinal microbiota, Life Sciences, 2023, 314: 121312.

6. Man Peng#; Liming Wang; Hui Su; Lei Zhang; Yue Yang;Le Sun; Yi Wu; Lei Ran; Sida Liu; Min Yin; Shude Li; Weixun Chunyu; Ginsenoside Rg1 improved diabetes through regulating the intestinal microbiota in high-fat diet and streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes rats, Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2022, 46(e14321).

7. Cun, Yina; Li, Chuanyin; Shi, Lei; Sun, Ming; Dai, Shuying;Sun, Le; Shi, Li; Yao, Yufeng; COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine T cell epitope prediction analysis based on distributions of HLA c lass I loci (HLA-A, -B, -C) across global populations, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 2020.

8. Dai, Shuying; Li, Chuanyin; Yan, Zhiling; Zhou, Ziyun; Wang, Xia; Wang, Jun;Sun, Le; Shi, Li; Yao, Yufeng; Association of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Long Control Region Variations with Cervical Cancer in a Han Chinese Population, International Journal of Medical Sciences, 2020, 17(7): 931-938.

9. Li Chuanyin; Wang Xiaona; Li Yingfu; Zhang Xinwen; Sun Mingbo; Liu Shuyuan;Sun Le; Shi Li; Yao Yufeng, Genetic polymorphisms in the TERT gene and susceptibility to non-small cell lung cancer in a Chinese Han population, Cancer Management and Research, 2018, 10: 1487-1495

10. Li Chuanyin; Wang Xiaona; Li Yingfu; Zhang Xinwen; Sun Mingbo; Liu Shuyuan;Sun Le; Shi Li; Yao Yufeng, Genetic polymorphisms in the TERT gene and susceptibility to non-small cell lung cancer in a Chinese Han population, Cancer Management and Research, 2018, 10: 1487-1495

11. Zhihua Li; Yanwei Bi; Hongjian Xiao; Le Sun; Yuan Ren; Yadong Li; Chen Chen; Wei Cun,CRISPR-Cas9 system-driven site-specific selection pressure on Herpes simplex virus genomes,Virus Research,2018, 244: 286-295

12. Weilin Zeng#; Ling Sun#; Zheng Xiang#; Na Li; Jie Zhang; Yongshu He; Qing Li; Fang Yang; Jingling Song; James Morris; Benjamin M. Rosenthal;Le Sun; Huaie Liu; Zhaoqing Yang*, Morphological and molecular characteristics of Sarcocystis bertrami from horses and donkeys in China, Veterinary Parasitology,2018,252:89-94

13. Li, Rongcheng#; Liu, Longding#; Mo, Zhaojun#; Wang, Xuanyi#; Xia, Jielai; Liang, Zhenglun; Zhang, Ying; Li, Yanping; Mao, Qunying; Wang, Jingjing; Jiang, Li; Dong, Chenghong; Che, Yanchun; Huang, Teng; Jiang, Zhiwei; Xie, Zhongping; Wang, Lichun; Liao, Yun; Liang, Yan; Nong, Yi; Liu, Jiansheng; Zhao, Hongling; Na, Ruixiong; Guo, Lei; Pu, Jing; Yang, Erxia;Sun, Le; Cui, Pingfang; Shi, Haijing; Wang, Junzhi; Li, Qihan; An inactivated enterovirus 71 vaccine in healthy children., N Engl J Med, 2014, 370(9): 829-837

14. Yue, Lei, Guo Sujie, Cao Xia, Zhang Ying, Sun Le, Liu Longding, Yan Min, Li Qihan, PNKP knockdown by RNA interference inhibits herpes simplex virus-1 replication in astrocytes, Virol Sin, 2013, 28(6): 345-351

15. Yue Lei, Guo Sujie, Zhang Ying, Liu Longding, Wang Qingling, Wang Xi, Shen Dong, Wang Lichun, Sun Le, Wang Jingjing, Liao Yun, Li Qihan, The modulation of phosphatase expression impacts the proliferation efficiency of HSV-1 in infected astrocytes, PLos One, 2013, 8(11): e79648-e79648

16. Musa Maslinda, Wilson Kirsty, Sun Le, Mulay Apoorva, Bingle Lynne, Marriott Helen M, LeClair Elizabeth E, Bingle Colin D, Differentia l localisation of BPIFA1 (SPLUNC1) and BPIFB1 (LPLUNC1) in the nasal and oral cavities of mice, Cell and Tissue Research, 2012, 350(3): 455-464

17. Yang Erxia, Zhao Heng, Zhang Ying, Liu Jiansheng, Liao Yun, Wang Lichun, Cui Pingfang,Yang Lixian, Liu Longding, Dong Chenghong, Dong Shaozhong, Shao Congwen, Jiang Li, Sun Le, Li Qihan, A comparative study of the characteristics of two Coxsackie A virus type 16 strains (genotype B), Science China Life Sciences, 2012, 55(4): 336-342

18. 孙乐;黄泓泰;李佳怿;彭漫;王谦;张磊;一种巨细胞病毒一体化核酸检测装置, 2021-8-20,中 国, ZL202022310887.8


1. 宿主免疫相关基因及HPV变异与宫颈癌发生发展的相关性和诊断价值,云南省卫生科技成果奖三等奖,严志凌,戴书颖,李传印,杨宏英,刘舒媛,张芍,张新文,杨佳,孙乐,许金美,2021年。


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